Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Cauy's last day
I was able to get him in at PV for a few days each week to help with Michael's sleep depreviation and he will start his new school in August. The seperation anxiety has set in again and I am not looking forward to dropping him off every day.
The boy will be 2 on Friday. I cannot believe it at all! We are doing his party on Saturday and I am sure that it will be a blast. This child is spoiled!!!!! But whatelse is a mother to do?
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ladies Night Out
It is about time my boys came back to Arkansas. Train will be performing at Riverfest tonight starting at 9:30 pm. My girlfriend and I are making a night of it and doing dinner and maybe a small drink and then headed to the NLR side of the river to watch my band play. If you have never seen them in concert, this is your time. They are amazing! If you like what you hear, pick up their new CD, "For Me, It's You".
Last night we went to the Bewley's for the Clement's farewell party and we all had a great time. I think Chad was a little intimidated by the 12 or so kids running around, but I don't think Mary was a bit phased at all. We are going to miss the Clement's dearly and I wish them the best of luck. Cauy is going to miss is Re & Mr. Matt, but I am not sure how I am going to explain why Ian is not around anymore. Those two are inseparable. What do you expect. They are a month apart and have been together for almost every day for almost a year. Boys will be boys! Those Clement's better stay in touch!
Friday, May 19, 2006
St. Louis or Bust
Well, we are headed to St. Louis in the morning. Going to meet some friends and get all the kids together. It will be about 14 adults and 7 - 2 yr. olds. Wish us luck! We did this last year as well and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. We will be hitting Grant's Farm this year. Hopefully I can get some really good pictures for everyone. See you Monday!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dear friend in need of some prayers!
My best friend's mother is in need...well their entire family...of some serious prayers. They have been struggling with a family members problem with theft and lying and it has come down to him now in jail and they have decided to not bail him out. The mother is struggling with the idea of leaving her son in there, but they just cannot afford to bail him out again. They are in financial ruin and it has taken a toll on the entire family. I have been a part of this family for almost 20 years and I have seen it all first hand. Please send some much needed prayers their way. They are going to need all they can get. Please pray for the son and allow him to see what he is doing is wrong and come to grips with his own demons.
Thanks for all the prayers for this dear family!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Grades are in and..........
Principles of Accounting: D
Algebra: C
History of Civiliation: B
Cultural Geography: B
English Comp I: A
I am going to retake Accounting on Campus. Taking it online was probably the most difficult thing that I could have done! I have my classes picked for fall and they are as follows:
English Comp II
Cultural Anthropology
Biological Science
I am taking Algebra on Campus and I am taking Biological Science as a Hybrid class. I will do all the work online but my labs will be on Campus. I am glad that school is over and I will have some time to myself finally! I am starting my workouts again tonight and I hope to be back down to 105 lbs. by August. Wish me luck.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Mommy & Me Day!
We have got some serious work to get done around the house before his party in a few weeks. We need to prime and paint the cabinet that we built, I need to get the flower bed weeded and some new things planted and I want to get the dining room and the living room painted by then, but not sure that I am going to have time.
I am certainley enjoying being school free for a few months! I did not do as well as I wanted to this semester, but I did pass all my classes, so that is what counts. I am off to get some housework done. See ya!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
School is officially over
Speaking of Cauy, he is doing well. He is repeating everything that we say, which could become a problem! Man, my eyes are heavy and I cannot see the screen. I better get to bed. 3 hours of sleep last night did not do me well! I will finish updating tomorrow. I need to keep up with this. Michael started a page and is much better at updating his.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Long time, no blog!
Anyway, wow how this week has changed. As most of you have heard, the Clement clan are leaving us for the great ole' state of Tennessee. I wish them the best of luck and will pray that have a wonderful life with their family in Nashville. They BETTER keep in touch! With this move, Cauy is in need of a daycare provider. I have a call into PV Dayschool and left a message for the Director. I believe that we may have found one by the house, but they are full but are trying to make arrangements to allow Cauy to start ASAP. All the places that I called have 1 - 1 1/2 year waiting lists, so we are not sure what we are going to do. For now, Michael is going to just work and watch Cauy and sleep when he can. We have struggled before and I know that we can make it this time.
School officially ended today, but finals stretch out til the 11th. My accounting class is my worst and I am just praying to walk away with a C in there. If so, I will do a dance for all! Wish me luck on all my finals! I better get back to work. I will try to keep this thing more up to date and I need to brag on Cauy some I guess. Ciao.