Blevins Family Journal

Monday, June 26, 2006

Family Pictures

If anyone wants one, let me know and I can order them for you. I think Amy did a wonderful job. Ignore the few pics of me on my stomach! Cauy was jumping up and down as Amy was snapping shots and I have some pretty painful looks on my face. 30lbs of toddler is not something that my back appreciated.

Terrible or Teriffic Two's?

I would go with the latter of the two. Terrible is right. It is like the day he turned 2, he became a totally different child. Although, he is still loving and caring and my sweet angel baby (when he wants to be) his mean streak (like his Father's) has reared it's ugly head. This is another reason why my baby making days are out the door. The main reason is the fact that Cauy is a special child, not many like him and I really don't think that we could duplicate what we have, so why try? KWIM?

Other than a few toddler tantrums, things are good at the Blevins house. We are looking to start redoing the house over the next few years and we have gone over some things in our heads, it is just putting it down on paper and shelling out the dough for it. One of which we don't have. The first thing that I really want to do is paint the den/dining room and get rid of that ugly carpet - and/or- do something with the siding on the house. But if we do that, we would have to replace the windows and that is going to set us back about $9K. NOT something we have laying around.

We attempted VBS last night, but Cauy was not liking it too much. With him just changing bible classes at Levy, he was a little confused as to what was going on at VBS at Somers. Needless to say, we won't attempt the rest of the week. Poor little guy was super upset and I don't want to put that through him again.

Why would you want to upset this little face?

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Picture for Marti

Check out these two! Aren't they just precious. What exactly are they talking about?? I think they are plotting. Ohhh, those are the days!

Friday, June 16, 2006

First week finished.........

Well I have finished my first full week of being back on my workout wagon and so far so good. I just finished my 20 minute run and I feel pretty good. I am down 4 lbs and hopefully I will lose another 15 lbs in the next 11 weeks. I figure that I got all the equipment laying around, why not use it every now and then. Sounded like a plan to me, so I went with it.

Work has been super busy. It always picks up in the summer time. At least I have job security.

Cauy is doing well. He is talking our ears off and missing his Ree and Ian very much. He started crying on Wed when I told him to get in the car because we were going to school. He said "NO MOMMY, REE's HOUSE!!" I did not know what to say. I just keep telling him that Ree's house is all done and Ian went bye bye. He is not buying it. Smart little bugger! Although he is missing his Ree and Ian very much, he is enjoying PV just as well. He has a little girlfriend there and he did not cry Thursday when I dropped him off. That was the first time that he has not clung to my leg and tried to hitch a ride back to the house with me. It is still a work in progress, but things will eventually get better and easier for him.

Here are a few pictures of him from his party. I still cannot believe that he is 2 years old!
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This is him eating his "pita" - pizza for those that did not understand toddler :)

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This is his Blues Clues cake that we had made for him. He just LOVED it!

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And one of him opening one of his favorite toys. He has the single letter one as well. This boy better be a genius with all these letters and phonics around the house!

Stealing and idea from Marie, here is a then and now picture of Cauy. My little man is not a baby anymore!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting - Then

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting - Now

Well I am off to bed. I am taking Cauy to his first movie tomorrow. We are having a mommy and me day. I did not get to have my day with him this week, so we are doing our date tomorrow morning. Nighty nite!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oh Ian......Oh Baby Riwey......Oh Matt.....Oh Ree

These are the words that my son uttered most of the day yesterday....and most of the weekend. I think yesterday it really hit him that he had not seen them since Wed of last week and he is having withdrawls, as most of us are. Last night he was laying in bed with me and was asking for Ian and luckily it was dark so that he could not see me crying. I think it will be even more difficult tomorrow when we get up to go to school and we will not be driving to Mrs. Ree's house, but to PV. It is going to be a long morning and luckily I have waterproof makeup!

On a lighter note, his 2nd birthday party was on Saturday! We did a Blue's Clue's theme and he had a great time. I will be posting pics soon. Off to work I go.