Blevins Family Journal

Thursday, May 11, 2006

School is officially over

But I am not sure that I did very well this semester. I always seem to put too much on my plate and this time I think I went a little over board. I did not study properly and my grades are surely to show it. My final grades are not posted yet, but I would gather to say that my A's & B's from last semester, will not appear on my transcript this time around. I am off until August 21st and I am going to enjoy every single moment of it with Cauy.

Speaking of Cauy, he is doing well. He is repeating everything that we say, which could become a problem! Man, my eyes are heavy and I cannot see the screen. I better get to bed. 3 hours of sleep last night did not do me well! I will finish updating tomorrow. I need to keep up with this. Michael started a page and is much better at updating his.



Audrey said...

No more more books...enjoy your summer off!

Marie said...

Wish we could go to the zoo togehter this summer! If you get over to Nashville we will go!