Blevins Family Journal

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blevins Happenings.....

Long time, no blog. Things have been a little busy around our house, but those that know us would never expect anything different. Cauy is doing well, although he has been having some breathing problems. He has been diagnosed with RAD (Reactive Airway Disease) and we will just monitor his breathing and pray that he grows out of it.

Michael and I started our Spring semester last week and so far, things are pretty easy. At least I think they are. I have a pretty easy load this time around but that won't be the case in the Fall.

Here are a few new pics of the Cauy boy. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Marie said...

Love the pictures! I was so excited to see them. The boys are in Indiana this week so I will show them when they get home. Glad your semesters are going good so far. I will keep you all in my prayers as you study!