Blevins Family Journal

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dear friend in need of some prayers!

Long story super short.........

My best friend's mother is in need...well their entire family...of some serious prayers. They have been struggling with a family members problem with theft and lying and it has come down to him now in jail and they have decided to not bail him out. The mother is struggling with the idea of leaving her son in there, but they just cannot afford to bail him out again. They are in financial ruin and it has taken a toll on the entire family. I have been a part of this family for almost 20 years and I have seen it all first hand. Please send some much needed prayers their way. They are going to need all they can get. Please pray for the son and allow him to see what he is doing is wrong and come to grips with his own demons.

Thanks for all the prayers for this dear family!


Marie said...

You got it. Let us know how they do.

Audrey said...

Will do.