Blevins Family Journal

Friday, May 19, 2006

St. Louis or Bust

Well, we are headed to St. Louis in the morning. Going to meet some friends and get all the kids together. It will be about 14 adults and 7 - 2 yr. olds. Wish us luck! We did this last year as well and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. We will be hitting Grant's Farm this year. Hopefully I can get some really good pictures for everyone. See you Monday!


Audrey said...

The board must be having another get together? Have a good time!

Krista said...

Yeah, the same ladies that got together last year made the trip again. We had a great time!

Chad Gardner said...

We rolled over the other team. We scored 24 runs. Unfortunately, we got so far ahead we let up on defense and let them score several runs in the 4th and 5th inning. I think the final was 24-18. After we batted each inning, we always had like a 10-12 point lead. So if we had batted in the bottom of the last inning (we were home team) the score would have been a lot higher for us.